Monday, October 12, 2009

3D Shapes

We are learning about 3 dimensional shapes. We know that vertices's are the corners on a shape. A few shapes that have vertices's are a pyramid, a cube and a octahedron. An edge is the part along the side or end of a shape, and a face is one of the flat sides on a shape. we had lots of fun learning about 3 dimensional shapes.
By Ali and Jody.

2D Shapes

In this game, one person had to say the name of a shape and then they threw the ball to someone. That person had to describe the attributes of that shape. In the end we identified shapes within our very unusual shape!We found out some new shapes including rhombus and dodecohedron. by Solomon and Matt

Friday, October 9, 2009

Euler's polyhedron formula

Euler's polyhedron formula
Leonard Euler was a very famous French mathematician.We researched his theory for part of our homework.We found out that he resurected the theory that if you add the vertices and faces of a 3D shape then minus the edges the answer will always be 2.For example, using a cube, 8 plus 6 minus 12 equals 2.We all found this very interesting.
By Lili
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